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RITUALAI On-ChainPushing AIDecentralized AI

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Introduction to Ritual

What is Ritual?

Introducing Decentralized AI

Ritual introduces decentralized AI by building a network for open AI infrastructure. Its novel architecture is built on a crowdsourced governance layer aimed to handle safety, funding, alignment, and model evolution.

  • Ritual Superchain

    A suite of sovereign modular execution layers, mostly revolving around AI models

  • Infernet

    The first production implementation of Ritual's protocol

  • Infernet Node

    Classes of nodes, each containing different functionality and resource requirements

The Flawed Infrastructure of AI

The state of AI is flawed.

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to positively contribute to society but the infrastructure in which it is being built is deeply flawed.

Permissioned & centralized APIs

A small number of mega corporations are controlling access to AI technology

Ritual provides decentralized access to AI

lack of privacy & compute integrity

User data is processed and sold for economic gain

For Ritual, privacy comes first

lack of censorship resistance

Centralized structures allow censorship and limiting access to AI

Ritual is censorship resistant

Decentralizing AI

Ritual is the solution.

Ritual is the network for open AI infrastructure. With its crowdsourced governance layer, Ritual is able to provide safety, funding, alignment, and model evolution

Censorship Resistance

Censorship Resistant

  • Open access of AI models
  • Transcend closed ecosystems

Privacy First

  • Lightweight cryptographic schemes

  • Without performance degradation of users

Fully Verifiable

  • Guaranteed results from real models

  • Proofs for unbounded model sizes
What is Ritual?

Ritual brings AI on-chain. In doing so, Ritual is building a way for protocols, dApps, or smart contract to integrate AI models with only a few lines of code.

Master Ritual

And Pave the Way For Decentralized AI

The Ritual Academy is your go-to-resource for everything related to Ritual. The vision behind the Ritual Academy is to provide you the resources allowing you to get started with Ritual. With our guides, you can truly excel in the ecosystem.


Do you want to use AI in your decentralized apps? Ritual is built for a seamless developer experience

Node Operators

Ritual’s Infernet node is a lightweight off-chain client for fulfilling compute workloads. Learn how to get started


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Ritual Team

Learn more about the team behind Ritual and its vision for pushing AI: Team


Important links and resources for having an impact in the ecosystem: Resources

Users & Collaborations

Eigenlayer, Celestia, and MyShell are among the users of Ritual. Learn more

Use Cases

Explore the exciting use cases of decentralized AI infrastructure: Ritual Use Cases

Investors & VCs

Notable investors such as Polychain Capital have invested in Ritual: Investors


Answers to frequently asked questions about Ritual: FAQs


Find explanations of the terminology used in the Ritual ecosystem: Glossary.

Developer Resources

Important links and resources for devs building with Ritual: Developer Resources

Ritual is envisioned as an open, modular, sovereign execution layer for AI. The network has additional cryptographic infrastructure that allows for guarantees around computational integrity and privacy.

Akilesh Potti – co-founder Ritual

Pushing the Boundaries of AI

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